Water Leader Impact Lab
Create, Validate, and Launch Your Virtual Water Programs & Events in 10 Weeks or Less so You Can Build Relationships, Trust & Authority; Build Revenue and Fiscal Responsibility; and Build a More Sustainable World!
Understand your target audience - how they think & feel and what they want to learn about your topic - so your program will attract the people you most want to reach!
Learn the secrets of educating & engaging your virtual audience so you can create and deliver impactful programs that produce results!
Design, market & launch your first virtual water program so you can begin educating, engaging and enrolling your best audience fast!
Module 1 SCOPING Training/Coaching Video (Live Training Recorded 5/19/21 with DOWNLOADS: Introduction Script Template and Slides)
Module 2 RESEARCH Training/Coaching Video (Live Training Recorded 05/26/21 with DOWNLOADS: Invitations and Research Question Templates and Slides)
VWELAB Module 3 Program Description Template
060221 Module 3 Create Finding Interviews and Setting Up Program Slides.pptm
060221 Module 3 CREATE Training/Coaching Video Part 1 of 2 (Live Training Recoded 06/02/21 with Course One-Pager Template and Slides Download)
060221 Module 3 Create Video Part 2 of 2
Module 4 VALIDATION Training/Coaching Video (Live Training Recorded 6/2/21 with DOWNLOADS: Introduction Script Template and Slides PLUS Water Marketing Podcast Slides)
Return to Target Market Surveyed for Their Review of Your Program
Module 5 TEST (Live Training Recorded 06/16/21 on Inviting People Into And Starting Your Beta Test/First Program)
Week Six Final Educational Content and Setting up Beta Online
Introduction to the VWELAB Masterminds (Must Watch and Complete Quiz Before Accessing This Module)
Groundrules ""Quiz" - Agreements Required to Access the Mastermind Recordings
VWELAB Mastermind Prep Form
Week 1 Mastermind Vision and Hotseat Prep and Frank Reilly
Week 2 VWELAB Mastermind Patti Aaron Greg Kernohan
Week 3 Mastermind Chuck Kile and Danielle Dolan
Week 4 VWELAB Mastermind John Ssentemu Chuck Martz
Week 5 VWELAB Mastermind
Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind
Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind Frank Reilly Interview
Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind Chuck Kile Interview
Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind Todd Votteler Interview
Bonus Report