• Do you want to LEVERAGE THE INTERNET to create presentations, programs, and events that are MORE EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, and INCLUSIVE?

  • Do you want to know how to promote your virtual programs and presentations in a way that attracts your BEST AUDIENCE and gets them excited to SHOW UP - READY TO ENGAGE AND TAKE ACTION?

  • Do you want your virtual programs to be part of a COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGY that positions you as a THOUGHT LEADER, produces a RETURN ON INVESTMENT, and provides RESULTS for yourself, your community or organization, and society?



Virtual Water Education Laboratory is the world’s FIRST AND ONLY program that empowers Water Leaders to create high-engagement, results-driven, student-focused Virtual Water Education Programs & Events so they can transform lives, communities & the planet!

By the end of this program you will:

  • Understand your target audience - how they think & feel and what they want to learn about your topic - so your program will attract the people you most want to reach!

  • Learn the secrets of educating & engaging your virtual audience so you can create and deliver impactful programs that produce results!

  • Design, market & launch your first virtual water program so you can begin educating, engaging and enrolling your best audience fast!

Course Includes:

  • 1) Six (6) "Get Into Action" Live Trainings

    Weekly live sessions that provide a quick overview of what we are working on and why followed by exact step-by-step instructions on how to get it done in the right way and in the right order half of each session will be dedicated to questions and discussion with you and your Cohort so you can learn directly from me as well as from your peers Est. Time: 90 min/week Value: $1,997

  • 2) Rapid Access to Recordings of Live Trainings plus Rapid Results Templates, Fill-In-The-Blank Guides, and Demo Videos

    All session recordings will be posted to our WaterCitizen Academy Learning Management System within hours so you can catch anything you missed we provide additional templates, guides, and demonstration videos to support your success Est. time: 30 min/week Value: $1997

  • 3) 24-7 Access to Water Leader Impact Lab Private Discussion Group

    24-7 access to a private group where you can post and get reviews of your work and ask questions with rapid response by DrCat and the WaterCitizen Team benefit as well from the wisdom, insights & support of other members of your Cohort and past Grads - all amazing water & environmental professionals and civic leaders who are committed to building a more sustainable world! Est. Time: That's up to you! Value: $997

Bonuses Selected to Maximize Your Success!

  • 4) BONUS Facilitated "Masterminds" with Your Cohort

    Doing something new can be challenging - and these powerful sessions include exercises to clear limiting beliefs Experience transformation in "hotseat" - present to the group on a problem or challenge you're facing with your program benefit from an organized brainstorming session with your Cohort and WaterCitizen Leave with a new sense of direction and commitment to the development of your program! Est. Time: Up to Three (3) 90-Minute Sessions Value: $1997

  • 5) BONUS Bosses, Boards & Backers Strategy Session

    Whose approval and/or funding do you need in order for your program to succeed? In this Special Bonus Session on how to gain support for your participation in the Water Leader Impact Lab from decisionmakers and influencers you work with Explore strategies for gaining coverage of your Water Leader Impact Lab tuition! Est. Time: One 1-Hour Session Value $697 PLUS 6) BONUS WaterCitizen Academy Virtual Program Creator Certificate and Course Seal A WaterCitizen Academy Certificate for you (letting others know of your knowledge and applied skills in Advanced Virtual Water Education Methods) A WaterCitizen Academy Seal for your program (so students, staff and participants know you are offering a high-impact, high-engagement, results-driven, student focused program)! Value $697

  • BONUS TWO (2) TICKETS to the Water Leader Impact Experience

    You won't want to miss this hands-on 3-day experiential virtual event where you will Gain Clarity on your Goals to become an impactful virtual speaker, educator, influencer and thought leader! Immersive Review of Your Program Development to ensure you have the program you and your target audience needs to succeed Develop your Tailored Strategy for your virtual education programs & presentations so you can leverage your time, effort & dollars and optimizing the benefits for yourself & your organization Create your own Strategic Plan to position yourself and your organization as the go-to experts so you can have a greater impact on society & the planet! Est Time: 24 Hours over 3 Days Value: $1997 for 2 Tickets at $997/Each

TOTAL VALUE: $10,379

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Module 1 SCOPE Your Virtual Water Education Program

    • Module 1 SCOPING Training/Coaching Video (Live Training Recorded 5/19/21 with DOWNLOADS: Introduction Script Template and Slides)

  • 3

    Module 2 RESEARCH Your Topic and Target Market With Interviews

    • Module 2 RESEARCH Training/Coaching Video (Live Training Recorded 05/26/21 with DOWNLOADS: Invitations and Research Question Templates and Slides)

  • 4

    Module 3 CREATE Your Virtual Water Education Program

    • VWELAB Module 3 Program Description Template

    • 060221 Module 3 Create Finding Interviews and Setting Up Program Slides.pptm

    • 060221 Module 3 CREATE Training/Coaching Video Part 1 of 2 (Live Training Recoded 06/02/21 with Course One-Pager Template and Slides Download)

    • 060221 Module 3 Create Video Part 2 of 2

  • 5

    Module 4 VALIDATE Your Virtual Water Education Program

    • Module 4 VALIDATION Training/Coaching Video (Live Training Recorded 6/2/21 with DOWNLOADS: Introduction Script Template and Slides PLUS Water Marketing Podcast Slides)

    • Return to Target Market Surveyed for Their Review of Your Program

  • 6

    Module 5 TEST Your Beta Program

    • Module 5 TEST (Live Training Recorded 06/16/21 on Inviting People Into And Starting Your Beta Test/First Program)

  • 7

    Module 6 UPLOAD Your Virtual Water Education Program

    • Week Six Final Educational Content and Setting up Beta Online

  • 8

    MASTERMINDS for Spring 2021 Cohort

    • Introduction to the VWELAB Masterminds (Must Watch and Complete Quiz Before Accessing This Module)

    • Groundrules ""Quiz" - Agreements Required to Access the Mastermind Recordings

    • VWELAB Mastermind Prep Form

    • Week 1 Mastermind Vision and Hotseat Prep and Frank Reilly

    • Week 2 VWELAB Mastermind Patti Aaron Greg Kernohan

    • Week 3 Mastermind Chuck Kile and Danielle Dolan

    • Week 4 VWELAB Mastermind John Ssentemu Chuck Martz

    • Week 5 VWELAB Mastermind

    • Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind

    • Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind Frank Reilly Interview

    • Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind Chuck Kile Interview

    • Week 6 VWELAB Mastermind Todd Votteler Interview